
Giftaway Premium features and information.

Subscribing to Giftaway Premium is the easiest way to support the development of Giftaway. Not only does it keep the bot online and functioning, it also helps to fund our own giveaways and of course you're able to claim fancy premium perks too!

In order to subscribe to Giftaway Premium you must have a Patreon account connected with your Discord account in order for us to verify the donation. Head over to our Patreon page by clicking here.


  • Ability to have a maximum of 30 winners instead of 10!

  • Ability to have a maximum duration of 3 months instead of 1 week!

  • Access to the /setbonus command which grants you the ability to give a role extra entries for more chances to win!

  • We will prioritise support for Premium members and ensure the best possible quality!

  • Bypass all voting requirement set on commands!


If you require support about purchasing Giftaway Premium then join our support server and contact a developer.

Last updated